Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easters Status

In one of my classes, we were asked to participate in a social media event for our church. Nothing crazy. They weren't asking us to go to all of our friends and post on their walls that they are going to hell to take a picture of us talking to snake. Nothing like that. Just participate in it. Share it, like it or post about it. And yet, I had such a hard time.

I made a post the other day about how I got a guy's number at work. I had no problem doing that. Sharing an embarrassing photo of myself, no problem. But posting something religious was taking it way to far. I don't know what it is inside of me that made me so scared to participate. I'm friends on my social media accounts with my friends. They care about me. They know who I am. They know what I believe and yet, I'm scared I'll offend them.

I see things on my social media accounts that I don't care for and so I scroll past it. Why would I think my friends are any different? So, I finally made the posts. I shared it, I liked it and I even  made my own status about it.
This whole experience was actually very eye opening for myself. I learned that I wasn't as confident in my testimony as I thought that I was. I learned that I feared the opinion's of my peers and desired their approval. I found out that I was very scared to do something so simple. So I started thinking of how I could participate in this social media event. It became less of an assignment and more of a personal ambition. It was like when I was learning to do a back flip on the trampoline or jumping off the high dive. I knew I could do it, I just was scared. And I tried to conquer the fear. When I finally made the jump, I trusted in myself a little bit more. I knew that I could do things that scared me; and when I finally made that post, I had the same sensation. I did something that scared me. It probably won't reach around the world and change anyone lives. But, it changed mine.

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